The correct answers on the two questions for the contest on occasion of ten years Philosophy by the Way are:
1) The philosopher most mentioned in my blogs during the first ten years was, of course, Michel de Montaigne. (Everybody got it)
2) He has been mentioned 345 times during this period. (no one had the exact answer)
The winners will receive their prizes as soon as possible.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Monday, April 24, 2017
Moral luck (2)
In my blog last week, I treated moral luck as a one-dimensional
concept. In fact, Nagel distinguishes four types of moral luck. I must say that
his discussion of the types is not always clear and sometimes Nagel’s wording
is confusing, so I doubt if there are just these four types. Anyway, let me
present the types and say what I think of them. First I’ll quote how Nagel
introduces the distinction:
“There are roughly four ways in which the natural
objects of moral assessment are disturbingly subject to luck. One is the phenomenon
of constitutive luck – the kind of person you are, where this is not just a
question of what you deliberatively do, but of your inclinations, capacities,
and temperament. Another category is luck in one’s circumstances – the kind of
problems and situation one faces. The other two have to do with the causes and
effects of action: luck in how one is determined by antecedent circumstances, and
luck in the way one’s actions and projects turn out.” (p. 28) I have taken the
labels for the types of luck from the Wikipedia (
1) Consequential
moral luck: “luck, good and bad, in the way things turn out” (p. 28). A
case in point is the pedestrian who suddenly crosses a street and is hit by a
car, which I discussed last week. However, Nagel discusses here also cases that
he calls “cases of decision under uncertainty” (p.29). For example: “Chamberlain
signs the Munich agreement, the Decembrists persuade the troops under their
command to revolt against the czar, the American colonies declare their
independence from Britain ...” (ibid.).
According to Nagel the agents who take the decisions in these cases cannot
foresee the outcomes. Hitler could have stopped his aggressive policy after
having taken Sudetenland; Britain could have started to negotiate with the
Americans, etc.: At the moment the agents make their choices, the consequence are
not yet clear. However, I think that there is a difference with the traffic
accident: The traffic accident just happens to you, but by signing an agreement
or by revolting you can be sure that the other party will react, although you
don’t know yet what your opponent will do. There is a kind of relationship
between the choices by Chamberlain or the rebels and the following actions,
while such a relationship is absent in the case of the traffic accident. I doubt
whether the actions by Chamberlain and the rebels fall under the heading of
moral luck.
The next two types of moral luck are clear, I think:
2) Constitutive
moral luck: The character, temperament, personality traits etc. one has
developed insofar as they are determined by one’s genetic constitution and
education. A person may be greedy, envious, cowardly, unkind, or nice, helpful etc.
and, so Nagel, “to some extent such [qualities] may be the product of earlier
choices; to some extent it may be amenable to change by current actions. But it
is largely a matter of constitutive bad fortune. Yet people are morally condemned
for such qualities, and esteemed for others equally beyond control of the will:
they are assessed for what they are like.”
(p. 33)
3) Circumstantial
moral luck: Luck in one’s circumstances because they are impossible to
control or foresee at the moment one takes the relevant decision. For instance:
“It may be true of someone that in a dangerous situation he would behave in a
cowardly or heroic fashion [but such a situation may never arise and will have
no consequences for his moral record]” (pp. 33-34). See the case of the Nazi
officer in the concentration camp and the German migrant to Argentina in my
last blog.
4) Causal moral
luck: “A person can be morally responsible for what he does; be what he
does results from a great deal that he does not do; therefore he is not morally
responsible for what he is and is not responsible for. (This is not a
contradiction, but it is a paradox).” (p. 34). Nagel is very brief about this
type and the only thing he says yet about it is that he sees a link between
these problems about responsibility and control and the problem of the free
will. However, it makes me think of the so-called Frankfurt-type cases, which I
have discussed before: Jones is in a voting booth deliberating whether to vote
for the Democratic or for the Republican presidential candidate. Unbeknownst to
Jones, a neurosurgeon, Black, has implanted a chip in Jones’s brain that allows
Black to monitor Jones’s neural states and alter them if need be. Black is a diehard
Democrat, and should he detect neural activity indicating that a Republican choice
is forthcoming, Black will activate his chip to ensure that Jones instead votes
Democratic. However, Jones chooses on his own to vote for the Democratic
presidential candidate, so Black never intervenes (from my blog dated Feb. 23,
2012). The question then is whether Jones is or isn’t responsible for his
action. I’ll not discuss it here (see my blog last week and the blog just
quoted), for more important is now: Is causal moral luck really an independent
type? It’s doubtful, for a closer look at it will probably show that it doesn’t
cover cases that do not fall also under one of the other types. For instance,
the case of Jones has traits of consequential moral luck (he couldn’t help being
manipulated by Black) and constitutive luck (it’s a property of him always to
vote Democrat, voluntarily or manipulated). However, it should need further
investigation. Be it as it may, often things happen to us and we
cannot help. And in case we can, it doesn’t automatically follow that we are
morally responsible for the consequences.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Moral luck
First case. You drive home from your work. Suddenly a
pedestrian crosses the road without looking to see if it was safe to do so. You
cannot stop and you hit him. He is seriously injured. You feel guilty, but you
couldn’t help. Actually it was simply bad luck that you were there just when
the pedestrian crossed the road.
Second case. You drive home from your work. You take
your mobile and call your wife that you are on your way home. Suddenly a
pedestrian crosses the road without looking to see if it was safe to do so. You
cannot stop and you hit him. He is seriously injured. You feel guilty, for it’s
not allowed to use a mobile when driving. However, even if you had had both
hands on the wheel, it would have been absolutely impossible to stop in time
and not hit the pedestrian. So, actually it was simply bad luck that you were
there just when the pedestrian crossed the road.
On the face of it, both cases are the same: You couldn’t
have stopped, anyway, and it was simply bad luck that you were there and hit
the pedestrian. As Thomas Nagel writes (p. 25): “Whether we succeed or fail in
what we try to do nearly always depends to some extent on factors beyond our
control.” Here the factors were that the pedestrian suddenly crossed the road and
that just then you were passing by. However, in the second case, you were
calling with your mobile, which was not allowed. Just this gives a moral aspect
to the second case: Maybe you could
have stopped in time, if you hadn’t been calling, even if it is dubious. Therefore
philosophers talk of “bad luck” in the first case and of “moral bad luck” in the second case: that you were using your mobile
makes that the accident has a moral aspect.
Moral bad luck, or generally “moral luck”, is an
important though not much discussed problem in philosophy. The term has been
introduced by Bernard Williams, and the idea has been further developed by
authors like Thomas Nagel and Alfred R. Mele. For reasons of space I’ll limit
my remarks to discussing Nagel’s article “Moral Luck”.
In the course of time, we do many things that can be
judged morally – positively or negatively –, but whether it’s done so often
depends on chance occurrences, as my cases illustrate. “What has been done, and
what is morally judged, is partly determined by external factors”, so Nagel (p.
25). To take an example by Nagel: “Someone who was an officer in a
concentration camp might have led a quiet and harmless life if the Nazis had
never come to power in Germany. And someone who led a quiet and harmless life
in Argentina might have become an officer in a concentration camp if he had not
left Germany for business reasons in 1930.” (p. 26) This, so Nagel, illustrates
a general point: “Where a significant aspect of what someone does depends on
factors beyond his control, yet we continue to treat him as an object of moral
judgment, it can be called moral luck. Such luck can be good or bad.” (ibid.) However, what is under your
control and what is beyond your control? If we would consider all factors that
determine what you do, we might come to the conclusion that “ultimately nothing
or almost nothing about what a person does seems to be under his control.” (ibid.)
Nagel doesn’t go that far. He sees a connection
between the problems about responsibility and control and the problem of the
free will. It’s true that “everything seems to result from the combined
influence of factors, antecedent and posterior to action, that are not within
the agent’s control. Since he cannot be responsible for them, he cannot be
responsible for their results.” (p. 35) And “admittedly, if certain surrounding
circumstances had been different, then no unfortunate consequences would have
followed from a wicked intention, and no seriously culpable act would have been
performed; but since the circumstances were not
different, and the agent in fact
succeeded in perpetrating a particular cruel murder, that is what he did, and what he is responsible for. Similarly, ...
if certain circumstances had been different, the agent would never have been
developed into the sort of person who would do such a thing.” But since the
circumstances weren’t different and “he did
develop ... into the sort of swine he is, and into the person who committed
such a murder, that is what he is
blameable for.” (ibid.)
In other words: An agent makes choices and that’s what
he is responsible for. “Moral judgment of a person is judgment not of what
happens to him, but of him.” We don’t judge his circumstances or his fate. “We
are judging him, rather than his
existence or characteristics.” (p. 36). It is the agent who acts, not his or
her circumstances or fate that do. It’s so that “something in the idea of
agency is incompatible with actions being events, or people being things. ...
[T]hose actions remain ours and we remain ourselves, despite the persuasiveness
of reasons that seem to argue us out of existence.” (p.37).
In discussing Nagel’s view on moral luck I had to
leave out much what would make Nagel’s view clearer and what gives a better
foundation of his conclusion. Anyway, it’s a conclusion that I endorse. Even if
the circumstances happen to us, it’s me who bends them to my will by my
actions. In this way, moral luck is also moral chances.
Monday, April 10, 2017
The double meaning of words
The regular readers of these blogs will know that I am
not a fan of Big Brother. So I am not here to draw his attention to
difficulties he may come across when trying to manipulate his subjects. However,
some such problems are interesting from a philosophical point of view. I think
that it has no sense to ignore them, as if they don’t exist, so I feel free to
talk about them. One problem that Big Brother must solve when he tries to
develop the mind-reading technology as mentioned in my last blog is the problem
of double meaning.
Let’s assume that Big Brother is reigning and that each
newborn child gets a chip in the brain that is connected with a computer. In
this way Big Brother can send thoughts to the child and he can use it also for
reading the child’s thoughts. Let’s call the newborn child Subject. Then I think that it will be impossible to make that Subject
will have only thoughts in her (or his) head that are acceptable to Big
Brother. For no matter what Big Brother will do, it’s unavoidable that Subject
sees things around her that haven’t been foreseen by Big Brother, or that
Subject will get independent thoughts by talking with other subjects. Then
Subject will gradually develop some thoughts of her own. If it has come that
far, Big Brother is confronted with the problem of double meaning. For it is
quite well possible that some words used by Big Brother for bringing thoughts to
Subject’s brain have a different meaning for Subject than they have for Big
Brother. The effect may be that Subject doesn’t behave any longer in the way
desired by Big Brother and maybe she resists to him, too.
Here is a case of double meaning that I found on the
Internet (but that actually is based on an incorrect comma):
A panda walks into a
roadside cafe. He orders a bun, eats it, draws out a pistol and fires into the
air and heads for the door.
"Why?" asks
the confused waitress as the panda was half way out of the door. The panda
produces a wild-life dictionary and shouts: "I'm a panda. Look it
The waitress turns to
the "P" section and reads:
"PANDA: Large
black and white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and
The problem with the double meaning of the words in
this joke is that they have been divorced from the context, and just the
context is important for understanding the meaning of a word, as Wittgenstein has
made clear when saying “The meaning of a word is its use” (Philosophical Investigations 43). However, it can be difficult to determine
what the use of a certain word is, since the context is not always obvious, for
it is not automatically given. Every translator can tell you. In order to show
this, I’ll translate for you a Dutch sentence, that contains several words with
double meanings (I have italicized these words, which are in pairs in the text,
and I have explained them in a note; I hope that you will not stop going on, if
you don’t know Dutch). Here is the Dutch sentence:
Toen mijn moeder aan de was
was, zag ik twee vliegen vliegen.
Daar was ook een bij bij. Ze vlogen
onder de deur door, over de weg weg.
For a competent translator its meaning is clear:
When my
mother was doing the laundry, I saw two flies passing by. They were accompanied
by a bee. They passed under the door and flew away over the road.
when I had translated the sentence with an Internet translator, I got this
incomprehensible result:
Then my
mother to the wax was, saw I two flies flying. There was also at at. Them flew under the door, concerning
the way gone.
(try it with your own translator or translate it into another
language in this way and the result will be as incomprehensible).
The problem was that the computer translator didn’t
know or understand the context of the sentence. It translated simply the single
words without considering their uses in the text and the context. As this
example clearly shows: What the context of a sentence is, is not obvious as such. It always needs an interpretation
to get it. However, usually interpreting is an unconscious process that takes
places without consciously thinking about it.
The upshot is that if you want to communicate a
thought to another person, or if you want to bring over a thought literally to
another mind (as Big Brother would like to do), it is possible that the other doesn’t
understands you, even when she knows all the single words you used. I think
that everybody has experienced this sometimes. Normally you try to solve the
problem by talking with the other and explaining what you mean. But if you want
to manipulate the other, it’s already more difficult to do so, since you want
to hide your real intentions. And if you are Big Brother, I wonder whether this
problem of double meaning can be really solved – which shows that there’ll
always remain a place where you are free: In your mind (with the hope for a
better future if the world would have come that far).
Note. The
meaning of the italicized words in the Dutch sentence
was1=(she) was, was2=laundry – vliegen1=flies
(insects), vliegen2=(to) fly – bij1=bee, bij 2=at – deur=door, onder ... door=
under – weg1=road, weg2=away
Monday, April 03, 2017
Big Brother will come within you
Last week I described Hilary Putnam’s case of a brain
in a vat. Here I’ll bypass Putnam’s interpretation of the case and the
philosophical debate it provoked. However, currently it’s not yet possible to
remove a brain from a body, keep it alive in a vat with nutrients and make the
brain think that it is a real person that behaves and thinks as a normal human
being. Nonetheless, I think that the time will not be far away that is be
possible to envat a brain.
The Dutch neuro-scientist Anke Marit Albers took a
number of test persons, placed them in a fMRI scanner and asked them to imagine
a multi-banded grate that could be rotated in three different ways: 60, 120 or
180 degrees. Albers didn’t know how many degrees each test person mentally rotated
the grate but the fMRI scanner could tell her by scanning the individual
Of course, it was not as simple as that, although it’s
the essence of the test. First, since each person organizes his or her brain in
a different way, a scanner must learn for each single person which pattern in
the brain corresponds to a grate that has been rotated either 60 or 120 or 180
degrees. But once the fMRI scanner has learned the typical patterns for each
test person, it can read the rotation in a test person’s brain. Second, although
the scanner basically can tell how much a test person has mentally rotated the
grate, it makes mistakes. In spite of this it does better than chance. So if
you want to know how much the test person has rotated the grate, you can better
use a scanner than just guess it.
The investigation has its limitations. That’s clear.
The test person was allowed to rotate the grate in his or her imagination only
in three different ways and the prediction how much s/he did is not infallible.
Nevertheless it’s a giant leap forward on the road to read the minds of other
persons. Once the method will have been improved, it can be useful to help
patients who suffer from hallucinations or obsessions, so Albers.
What does it mean for the case of a brain in a vat? There
is an important difference between this case and the investigation by Albers: Albers
tries to detect which imaginations a person has; so the imaginations are the
output of her test. In the brain-in-a-vat-case, however, imaginations are put
into the brain; they are the input of the brain. Our first thought of the idea
to use imaginations as brain input may be that it’s science fiction. However,
what is science fiction today can be reality tomorrow. Wasn’t – to take an
example – Jules Verne’s novel Around the
Moon science fiction in his days and hasn’t it become true a century later?
Even more, man has not only flown around the moon but he also walked on the
moon. And maybe already soon the day will come that thoughts can be inserted
into the brain. For doing so we need to know how the brain is structured, and,
as I just have shown, the first steps have already been done to find it out.
Investigators can already steer the behaviour of test
animals by stimulating their brains. Brain implants are being developed in
order to restore vision in the brains of people who are congenitally blind or
to make paralyzed limbs move again. In fact, this is a matter of bringing outside
information inside the brain. One step more and it will be possible to bring
fake information (and thoughts) in the brain in this way. According to Albers theoretically
such things can be done, although there still are many practical impediments.
For a handicapped person brain implants would be fantastic. However, “it evokes
also more terrifying ideas within me”, so Albers. For Big Brother such a
progress of science will be great. No longer he needs to manipulate your
environment in order to manipulate you in an indirect way, with the risk of
failure and undesired effects. When the knowledge of thought implantation will
have been fully developed, he simply can put a chip in your head and connect
you with a computer. One step further and only transmitting a special kind of
brain waves in the air will suffice. Then we’ll not be much unlike Putnam’s
envatted brain.