Monday, August 27, 2012
Philosophizing about ordinary concepts
At the
end of my last blog I quoted Giere with consent where he said that human
science must not develop ideas that are too far away from pou common sense
notions. In this case that we must not defend an idea of memory that is too
different from what the man or woman in the street thinks it is. But can we
maintain this in general? If it were true, philosophizing would not be more
than asserting what everybody already knows, albeit with some nuancing and in a
clearer wording. But take this example, which is not from philosophy but from
the natural sciences (although in those days, the natural sciences were seen as
a kind of philosophy). Galileo defended the idea that the earth moves around the
sun instead of the other way round. This view was contrary to what most people
(and not only the Roman Catholic church) thought. As we know now, Galileo was right
and the public idea was false. Why might such a turn in thinking not be brought
about by philosophy? Why might philosophy not be able to undermine false ideas?
In a certain sense philosophy can. One task of philosophy is correcting errors
in reasoning, not only errors made by scientists but also those made in public
reasoning. As such, these corrections can have radical consequences, in case it
comes out that just the opposite of what always was held to be true is the
case. However, there is a fundamental difference between what facts in the
natural sciences are and what facts in the social sciences are. In the natural
sciences facts exists independent of what we, the observers of these facts,
think of it. It is our task as observers to find out what these facts “really”
are (I put the word really between inverted commas since also in the natural
sciences what we see as facts must pass through the filter of manmade concepts
and theories). In human society, however, facts that are independent of us do
not exist. Social facts are literally “made” by us. When we play chess, we
don’t simply move wooden objects, but we play a game and we move pawns, rooks
and queens etc. When humanity dies out, the wooden objects may still exist and
they may be found by a roaming animal, but the idea of game and the idea that
these pieces of woods “actually” are pawns, rooks or queens has been lost. Such
meanings belong to, using Giere’s words, “our shared conceptual scheme and culture”. Social facts are ways we
think about what is around us in the social and in the material world and ways
we react to them, but when we think differently about these ways, they change
with our thoughts and get another meaning. And just that is, I guess, the
reason why Giere says that our philosophical ways of speaking and our
philosophical interpretations must not be too distinct from our common sense
ways of speaking and interpreting. If they would be, they’ll lose touch with
the social reality as it exists for us, and they’ll not affect what the ordinary
man or woman thinks but only exist as separate interpretations at most;
interesting for philosophers, scholars and scientists, but of only marginal
value for what people actually do and think. Then for most people our memory
will remain to be only something that in the head, although some philosophers
think that’s on the front doormat, too.
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