Despite the remark by Schopenhauer quoted in my last
blog and my comment on it, the main function of books remains that they are
there for being read. So, I didn’t stop reading Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Representation
after the preface. But when to read such a thick book of nearly thousand pages if
one has no special reason for doing it besides simply wanting to take note of
its contents? I always read a lot when I am on holiday, so I put it in my
luggage for my summer travel and I begun reading it from the first day on. But
even then I haven’t finished it yet, also because I have read two other books
at the same time (and because I am not on holiday for reading, of course, but
for getting new impressions). I still have about half of the book to go.
Nevertheless I can give some first thoughts.
What I found most striking in the book till now is
what I see as its central theme, namely: Das
Leben ist ein Leiden, or, in English: To live is to suffer. For
Schopenhauer suffering is part of the human condition. It is the consequence of
the fact that we always are busy striving for things. People never do nothing
or they become bored. We always have desires, so Schopenhauer, and we want to fulfil
them. These desires can be small things or they can be big things, such as
wanting to read a book (like the one by Schopenhauer); making a travel; having
a special job; and so on (the examples are mine). As long as the desired goals
haven’t been attained we are more or less unhappy and we keep looking for ways
to achieve them. However, once a wish has been fulfilled, we are happy for only
a short moment. In another blog of mine you can read that such “moments of
happiness” last three months at most according to present insights in
psychology. Then we become bored. We begin looking for other desires and the
process starts again, so Schopenhauer. That’s why he says that desiring, and
human life in general, is suffering: Life is the striving to fulfil unfulfilled
wishes. It is mainly a matter of being dissatisfied with what one has and so of
wanting to have it better, but this is basically impossible.
Is it true? When one looks at the portrait of
Schopenhauer on the cover of his book, I see a happy man and not someone who is
suffering. But maybe it’s merely a pose. Be it as it is, I want to state that by
and large Schopenhauer’s thesis is false. I agree that people become bored
after some time once a desire has come true, so they start to strive again. It shows
that man is made for acting. But does this make suffering the foundation of
life? I think that there is much that denies it. When I want to start a new
project, once one has finished, this doesn’t mean that I am unhappy because my
last project has come to an end; even not after three months. I have done a lot
in my life long ago that I still enjoy when thinking of it. The thought of
having done it still makes me happy. Moreover, no person is trying to fulfil
wishes one after another. One is always
trying to do several things at the same time. Career, being a good parent,
being a good sportsman, being a good club member, having relations with other
people, to mention only a few things, are activities one does simultaneously.
Most times moments of happiness and moments of being less happy go together.
Life is a stream of concurrent activities, which are often a pleasure to do. And
even if these activities are guided by aims, achieving these aims needs not be
most important of what one is doing. Often it’s so that going on the road is
more important than reaching the end of the road. The desire as such is often
less important than Schopenhauer thinks. It is often a guide and not a purpose
as such: One can be happy in the doing as such; not only for a moment by the
fact that a wish has been fulfilled. All this makes, I think, that suffering is
rather an extreme phenomenon of life than a basic fact of life.
But it is true that once I have finished
Schopenhauer’s book, I want to read another one (not counting the fact that I
am always reading several books at the same time), but it doesn’t involve that
I am continuously suffering.
Hi Henk. I should visit your site more often:)
ReplyDeleteI get your point about Schopenhauer and suffering. But let me tell you, I thnk a lot depends on your personality. I can understand the optimism of your position because I see your temperament in a well balanced condition. But we, human beings, are all different. And we perceive reality in different ways, what makes us feel differently too. So maybe mine is a Psychological point of view, I'm definitely not entitled to discuss Philosophy with you :))
I've enjoyed your post.
Thank you for your comment, Diana. Actually, your point is my point, too. I am not a Schopenhauer expert, but as I see it, his statement that life is suffering is simply too over-simplified. For some it is, for others it isn't. Or there are long periods of suffering and long periods of happy life; etc. In fact, everything is possible and much depends on your personality, your life experiences,where you live and in what circumstances, and much more. As you say it, we are all different and so is the way we perceive life and how we live life (or how life lives us). So, I think that we agree here.