Nowadays people want to be trendy, follow the fashion
of the day, or youngsters choose a study like sociology or psychology because
everybody does and because they don’t know what to do else. Okay, it often
happens that people know that they do things because others do the same and they say “one ought to do that” or
“it’s fashion”, but on the other hand it also happens that one thinks making an
individual choice (“it’s my choice to
study psychology”) while the actual reason is that studying psychology is
trendy. Or take this: You are in a restaurant and you see flames coming from
the kitchen. What will you do? Probably nothing when nobody else does anything
(and when no one comes from the kitchen warning the guests that there is a
fire). Until, too late, somebody shouts “fire” and panic breaks out. Why?
Because we are conforming beings, at least most of us. If we were a little bit
more individualistic, some big calamities and devastating wars in history could
have been avoided. But alas, that’s just man’s nature, and maybe it has some
advantages from the perspective of human development.
I think that with this in mind the snappy kind of
photography that I discussed in my last blog can be understood. Remember that I
was talking there about taking pictures, for instance in a museum, in order to
be able to show that you have been “there” and not as a kind of reminder for
yourself. Seen that way, snappy photography has nothing to do with photography
in the classical sense. Let it be clear: I have nothing against snappy
photography! Images are important today for many reasons and snappy photography
is one way of making them. But the meaning of a snappy photo has no relation
with what is on it. It is a way of expressing your belongingness, it helps you
to be liked and loved. You make them because everybody does, so you “ought” to
do it, too. It is one of the present ways of contact, like letters in the past,
or like going to a cafe with your friends. And that’s why they are twittered
and instagramed and facebooked. Photography makes the world go round. Would
Daguerre have thought it?
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