Soon it will be summer and so for a lot of people it’s
time to think about how and where to spend their holidays. Will it be on the
beach or in the mountains? Shall I stay at home or shall I travel to a country
far away? Shall I stay at the same place all the time or shall I make a tour? So
I took my holiday guides and started to browse on the Internet as well. But I
thought that it would also be a good idea to put the things a bit into
perspective, so I bought the treatise on the philosophy of tourism by Ruud
Welten. Soon I forgot that actually I wanted to plan a trip, for it’s a very
interesting book and I got totally absorbed in it. But then I realized that I
had to write my blog and I thought that it would be nice to write about it
When I tell other people that I seldom go to the big
objects sought by most tourists, but that I prefer to avoid the trails
well-trodden by millions of travellers before me and that I follow the roads in
the “boring” countryside that are almost exceptionally used by locals, then I
get often reactions saying (in polite words, of course) that I am actually a
kind of a fool. How stupid I am that I don’t want to enjoy the beauty of
Florence; that I don’t make a stop in Paris when I pass it on the highway (yes,
I can see the Eiffel Tower from there); and that I roam around the countryside
of Lorraine in France or the inland of Latvia instead. But thanks to Welten’s
book I know now what I do wrong: I break the Golden Rule of tourism: Don’t miss
it! And the “it” is what is valuable according to tourist guides and to all who
believe in their truth. For tourist guides describe what must be seen by
Tourism is a special way of looking at the world. It’s
a kind of collective gaze. The gaze is not collective in the sense that the
tourists belong to the same group, for they don’t. Tourists are individuals. That’s
why we as tourists don’t like it when there are too many other tourists at the
same place, for they hinder the individual gaze. The others don’t belong to our
group. Even more: we have often the feeling that we are not like “them”. We are
“different” and we have our own individual reasons to be there. Or so we think,
for the goal of our visit is collective: It is what has worth in an objective
sense (that’s what the tourist guides say, at least): The pyramids in Egypt,
the Tapestry in Bayeux or the Taj Mahal in India. You must have been there at
least once in your life according to the Golden Rule of Tourism and the idea of
the collective goal. And in this why the tourist looks with a collective gaze
at the world.
This means that tourism is a matter of framing. In the
social sciences, a frame is a
set of concepts and theoretical perspectives on how we perceive reality and
behave accordingly. Framing is the social and perspectival construction of a social
phenomenon. In the case of tourism, framing tells us what are valuable destinations
and useful ways of spending our holidays. It is done by the tourist guides and by
the collective culture that determines what has worth.
Tourism is also framing in another sense: The tourist
is never a part of what s/he sees. It is as if s/he looks through a window and
sees what is happening in the world on the other side of the glass. Welten uses
the picture of someone who looks out the window down to the street that runs
along her hotel. She sees people passing by and she can observe them as long as
she likes. Nobody will disturb her, for she does not belong to thoese there down
in the street. In other words: the tourist is an outsider. She remains so as
long she is a tourist, at least mainly and most of the time. That’s why for
many tourists it’s quite annoying or it even upsets their temporary life, if
they suddenly become involved in a strike or a demonstration and so become an
insider in the life around them.
This brings me back to my way of tourism. My way of
travelling on holiday is also the tourist way, or at least usually it is. But
there is a difference, for although the “main stream” tourists as characterized
above hope or even expect to see the Eiffel Tower or the Brandenburg Gate from
their hotel window, I am happy when I see from there something like the view on
the picture here above.
Source: Ruud Welten,
Het ware leven is elders. Filosofie van
het toerisme. Zoetermeer, Klement, 2013.
Hi Henk,
ReplyDeleteIf I ever can travel, I always break the Golden Rule of Tourism because in foreign countries I want to have direct contact with the people who live there and converse in my foreign languages with them. Visting a curiosty is only a side-effect for me, never the purpose of my trip. I prefer going to places, where no German (= my native language) is spoken and where no mass tourism can be found. And even, if it's the book shop of Venlo, where no German citizen dares to buy a book written in Dutch (besides me).
Kind regards,
Hello Fasulye,
ReplyDeleteThen you are in the view of Welten what he calls a pre-tourist: someone who denies that he is a tourist but who actually follows recognized tourist goals, although these need not to be mainstream goals. You are in his view not a tourist however,if you follow private goals on your travels, like visiting a family member abroad. Of course, it can include visiting bookshops if it's a habit of you to visit bookshops in your own town and in other towns.
Best wishes,
Goede post!!
ReplyDeleteBedankt voor het delen van dit prachtige bericht met ons. Dit bericht is nuttiger en nuttiger voor het vinden van de beste makelaar zoetermeer stad. In dit bericht wordt duidelijk uitgelegd hoe we met behulp van een makelaar de beste kwaliteit woningen kunnen vinden.