Monday, September 16, 2019

The solar cell paradox

The solar panels on the roof of my house

I think that every reasonable person will agree that we live in an age of global warming and that the main cause of this global warming is the behaviour of man. We simply use too much energy and moreover we use energy of the wrong kind: fossil energy. In fact, fossil energy is solar energy long ago laid up in the soil by natural processes. Probably all this energy would still have been there, if not once, also long ago, man was added to the big number of creatures that lived already on earth. As all creatures, also man needed energy to live, but as long as man led a simple life, s/he lived more or less in balance with what the earth produced. Now you may think that I’ll add: And everybody was happy. Not true. For many people thought that life could be better, but for this they needed more energy, not only for cooking and for heating themselves during cold nights, but for a lot more, like better shelters, making better tools, producing more food, waging war, etc. In the end man needed so much energy that the immediate environment couldn’t produce enough any longer. Happily man discovered that there was a lot of energy stored in the soil: peat, coal and oil. That was nice, of course, but there was a problem – a problem that was ignored by man at first, for the simple reason that s/he didn’t realize that it was a problem: Peat, coal and oil are stored kinds of energy but at the moment you are going to use it, it is added to the energy that is already freely present on earth. Before man used this stored energy, the amount of freely present energy was more or less in balance, and if it wasn’t it wasn’t man’s mistake. But man begun to use more and more stored energy and more and more stored energy became freely present. And so it happened that the balance of freely present energy was upset: The earth became warmer. First the global warming went very slowly and nobody noticed it. However, it went faster and faster and finally it went that fast that it became impossible to deny that global warming had become a problem. It became also impossible to deny that there was one main cause of the problem: Man, or rather man’s energy consumption. (As it happens, there are always people who deny that there is a problem or who deny that they themselves are the problem. Also in this case there are such men, but I’ll ignore them.)
But where there are problems there are solutions, and so also in this case. Actually the solution was quite simple: If the global warming is caused by using stored energy, don’t use it any longer but use only yet freely present energy. So man started to develop machines and apparatuses that caught freely present energy everywhere on earth, and so they made things like windmills, water turbines and solar cells. But since windmills and turbines are very big and since hardly anybody can or wants to have them in the backyard, the state propagated and stimulated the use of solar cells for the common man. Moreover it was made – at least in my country – that you could automatically sell the solar cell energy to your energy provider if you produced more than you needed yourself. Therefore it became very profitable to have panels with solar cells on the roof of your house, for you saved on your energy costs and you could sell your overproduction. And so, when you walk through my little town and look at the roofs, everywhere you see solar panels and you can see them also on my house. Moreover, everybody with solar panels is happy, for it gives not only a clear conscience because you improve the environment but you get also a big bank account, for having solar cells on your roof is big money, so to speak.
When you have money you want to spend it, or so it is for many people. Therefore, as soon the solar panel buyers had got well filled bank accounts they asked themselves what to do with their money. Some bought new fridges, others bought new furniture, again others booked trips to countries far away, again others took new cars. Thus it happened that many of those people with solar panels on their roofs increased their consumption and bought new consumer goods. But alas, we are still in the age that most consumption goods, also when using self-produced energy, are made with the help of fossil energy. Moreover, many of such products still use fossil energy as well, like the aircraft you use for your travel. To cut a long story short: When people take panels with solar cells, soon they are going to use more energy than before, which still is mainly fossil energy. That’s what we see nowadays. And that’s the solar cell paradox.

Source for the case: Frank Trentmann, Empire of Things. London: Penguin Books, 2016

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