Monday, November 15, 2021

Banal objects

Last week I was on holiday and so I couldn’t write a blog. Like a few weeks ago, again I have uploaded a photo instead. This time it is a photo taken during my trip to the East of the Netherlands. The photo shows a transformer house. In my blogs, I have sometimes written about the value and meaning of normal, if not “banal”, objects of our daily life. A transformer house is such a thing. Usually we ignore them, but in modern life we cannot do without them for they are an important link in the chain that transport electricity from the power station to our houses. They are there of all kinds, shapes and architecture, but I guess you’ll ignore them, passing them without realizing that you pass such a vital object of your life, for without electricity your life would be very different, especially if you live in a modern town and cannot have a power generator of your own. But why don’t you give them more attention? I admit that many transformer houses are boring objects; a kind of metal boxes coloured green, white or grey. But some are real pieces of art, like this one in Groenlo, about hundred years old. 

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