Thursday, June 09, 2022

Random quote
There is a difference between the impossible and the unusual, and between that which is contrary to the order and course of nature and contrary to the common opinion of men.

Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)

1 comment:

  1. I am puzzled by this quote. Not the first part, but the second, which seems to have neither point of departure, nor point of arrival. What, please tell me, was the writer trying to convey? It sounds like a linguistic mobius strip---no beginning; no end. Or, as I once wrote, regarding the idea of infinity: there is no there, there. These sorts of comments are fun---something like the thought experiments, championed by philosophers....most of those having no right or wrong answers. Wittgensteinian language games. Or, contextual reality, which says we make it up as we go. Puzzle are fun,too. They can help us try harder to think better. Or, they may only waste our time. Use your own imagination.
