Thursday, July 14, 2022

Random quote
Modern universities … have been at the forefront of finding ways to suppress opinions, including disinviting and drowning out speakers, removing controversial teachers from the classroom, revoking offers of jobs and support, expunging contentious articles from archives, and classifying differences of opinion as punishable harassment and discrimination.

Steven Pinker (1954-)


  1. Are you quite, unequivocally certain of this assertion? The modern universities, of which you speak and decry, RUN ON MONEY, don't they? And he who has the gold, makes the rules. Current notions of ethics in academia often hide displeasure of money donors behind allegations of ethical violations by academics, seems to me. I have been wrong before. I credit Dennett for my gains in this regard. My livelihood does not rely upon such frailties. So, I say what I wish, moneyed displeasure, notwithstanding.
    I can be moderated or censored, if such demands. Do your best---or worst---or the bidding of gold holders. Not my problem, now, or ever.

  2. Addendum:
    I subscribe to much of what Pinker has written, over the past dozen years or so. The quote, heretofore, misses the boat. Sorry, Steven.
