Thursday, August 18, 2022

Random quote
The ego is the product of the development of the personality and not - as many psychologists assume - the producer of the personality.

Gerhard Roth (1942-)

1 comment:

  1. This is an intelligent assessment of ego, in my studied opinion. I think it makes sense because I don't believe humans are born with ego, per se. It is, then, a learned or 'experienced' faculty. I say learned or experienced, because I am not convinced that experiencing and learning are the same sort of thing. In maturing, children come to know that an ego is expected of them. Many accomplishments and signal events hinge upon having one. Consider the learning tool: " winning is everything, losing is nothing at all". Some of us laugh at such expressions. Others recognize they are nothing to laugh at. Thanks for reinforcement of the insight. Freud may have already hinted at this, a priori. I was not aware of it if he did.
