Thursday, September 01, 2022

Random quote
In a group, confident people have more weight than others, even if they have no reason to be confident.
Daniel Kahneman, Oliver Sibony, Cass R. Sunstein 

1 comment:

  1. Some confident people learn 'confidence' through the B-squared principle: bluff and bluster. They make more noise than other folks. Usually, their rhetoric sounds convincing, even intimidating. Thinkers who know this strategy smile and roll their eyes. There are countless examples of this, and, it has worked for many people. Force of will is an asset, particularly in disciplines where theories and theses are unsettled affairs---where argument is lingua franca towards success. Most of us know these individuals---avoid them, when possible, for the foregoing reasons. Sooner or later, the least-prepared ones will trip themselves up with inadequate facts...causing more smiles and rolling of eyes.
