Thursday, October 20, 2022

Random quote
Heroes are people who defend their country, not those who attack another country.

A user of VKontakte (the “Russian Facebook”)

1 comment:

  1. Very good. This inches forward on the philosophy notion of making a difference that MAKES a difference. It is unlikely to move an autocrat towards some vague realization that invasion and decimation of a neighboring country was a bad idea. Axiology and deontology are empty concepts for someone who's only goal is holding on to power at any and all costs. Such people, be they rulers of nations or holders of corporations, have no interest in anything beyond a personal status quo. Any difference to this is unacceptable. Tyrants and despots have generally despised knowledge among their subjects. They get this from its' less-ruthless roots: monarchy, which acquired it from "divine right"...further regress is unnecessary, and, at any rate, frowned upon.
    There are good people---even in bad places.
