Thursday, March 16, 2023

Random quote
Not even the most admirable machines can make better choices than the people who are supposed to be programming them
Mary Midgley (1919-2018)

1 comment:

  1. I could not have said this better! Elegant, simple and to-the-point. With all the fawning and massaging going into AI and ML research, one would think the transhumanists are fairly bubbling with enthusiasm. Maybe some are. The quote drove me to the following.
    If, and only if, advocates are convinced that AI will sooner or later mimic consciousness/sentience, does it follow that it will acquire a CONSCIENCE? Or, rather, might different versions/generations exhibit something on that order, depending on how meticulously they have been constructed? If there are opinions on these questions or they have already been asked, I would like to know. And, please don't parrot what Russell said about causality and equations. Lord B. was a mathematician. We might have expected as much from an interdisciplinarian, yes?
