Sunday, April 16, 2023

Random quote
We are bombarded with serious news and fake news until we may have completely lost the ability to think for ourselves.
Markus Gabriel (1980-)


  1. This is a few days late. And only temporally related to current breaking news. Did the Biden kid's behaviors help his dad become president the first time? I don't think so. Will current finger pointing towards alleged wrongdoing impede a second run? Opponents must surely(ding!)think so. And what of Merrick Garland? Has-been and wannabe pundits crawl out of the wood-work,like unwanted bugs. Rumors of conspiracy, past, present and future(?) abound. While Orange Hair sits on his hands. And waits. Few, if any, alleged wrong-doers connected with recent corruption have been brought to justice. Even a Supreme Court Justice has the temerity to assert he did nothing wrong, in a different unrelated matter, saying he was so-advised by "friends". As Franklin was alleged to have said: this smells like fish and visitors after three days. Other legal actions, against powerful people,get placed on hold. Yi,ha !!!

    He says this, based on advice from "friends". Or so we are told, by media sources.

  2. At least I think that I succeeded to think at least 932 times for at least the past 16 years, that is all those times that I wrote or selected a post for this blog. At least, so I think.
