Thursday, May 04, 2023

Random quote
Economic considerations always incorporate non-economic value judgments, which is why the models of economics are full of partly hair-raising absurdities such as the “homo oeconomicus".
Markus Gabriel (1980-) 

1 comment:

  1. Public intellectuals and some other professional thinkers enjoy conflating dialog with professional (?) Word salad*. It has become a plague, though not necessarily dangerous, except from a cultural perspective. A dear friend used to say: if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. Our excessive culture has taken this to heart: if you don't want to entertain annoying criticism, don't say or write anything people will understand. If you ARE challenged, you can slough it off by claiming your critics are just ignorant bumpkins anyway. With this simple ploy, the executors aim to raise their real estate value.*Word salad was coined by my brother, I think. He is a poet, and appreciates economy of wordage. I suppose that is part of the reason he did not continue philosophy studies, beyond a bachelor's degree...
