Thursday, July 27, 2023

Random quote
Although there is a sense in which the camera does indeed capture reality, not just interpret it, photographs are as much an interpretation of the world as paintings and drawings are.
Susan Sontag (1933-2004)


  1. I made some remarks on this topic to another blog post,put up. That source does not offer comment opportunity easily accessible, so I send an email if and when something gets my attention. Their post addressed reality, and whether film(s) of people are representations of reality. I held that they are accounts of activities that happened in real time---no scare quotes. Photographs and paintings are different to that, insofar as they ARE, in my view, representations, having neither sound or movement attaching to them. So, in my scenario, photographs and paintings are those representations discussed, while films, whether true or fictional provide accounting of things which did, could or might have occurred somewhere or some reality. I doubt I will hear anything more on this. I never do. I am not an affiliate or associate of that other blog originator.

  2. Thank you for your comment, Paul. However, I don’t want to compare photos with film. For me it is a different form of art. But in the time that Susan Sontag wrote about photography, many people saw photos as an objective registration of reality. Sontag wanted to say that she didn’t agree. I think that many people still think so (though most photographers do not, any longer) and therefore it thought that it was worth to quote this passage. Moreover, many people in those days didn’t see photos as pieces of art, just because, they said, photos were objective registrations. Now most see photos as ways of expression, so as a form of art of its own kind.

  3. Oh, and, no worries, mate. Fosters is only beer.
