Thursday, November 07, 2024

Random quote
All “cultures” are different but none is radically foreign or incomprehensible to others.
Marc Augé (1935-2023)


  1. I am not certain Auge's hypothesis holds now, nor am I sure it has held since the turn of the millenium. Too many things have changed---too quickly. IE, we have a convicted criminal who will hold the Oval Office. People hardly notice.
    Time was, that would have been unconscionable.

  2. In the end, what Augé says means that fianlly no human being is incomprehensible for the other. There is always something in common where we can start to understand each other. But I must admit that sometimes it seems difficult. Indeed, how is it possible that people vote for a convicted leader in ademocratic country? In France the same can happen (see the present process against Marine Le Pen, ex-presidential candidate and probably future presidential candidate as well.
