Monday, January 13, 2025

Who I am not

Image by Chat GPT (see note below)

Sometimes I am curious to know who I am according to AI. As far as I know there is not much about me on the internet, though I guess, that there is more there, than I assume. So, what would AI say about me? Therefore, I asked ChatGPT to write a text about me as a philosopher. Here is the result. I have added a few comments between square brackets:

“Henk bij de Weg (1919-1991) [False. I am still alive and I am also not from 1919
] was a Dutch philosopher and professor of philosophy at the University of Amsterdam [Fake]. He is best known for his work on the philosophy of language [Fake] and the philosophy of action. His work was heavily [No: a little] influenced by the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein and he was an important figure in the development of Dutch analytic philosophy. [Fake] Bij de Weg was an advocate of logical positivism [Quite the contrary] and argued that language should be used as a tool to clarify and sharpen thinking. [Hmmm] He believed that language was a tool to express and uncover the underlying structure of reality and argued that our understanding of language should be guided by the principles of clarity, consistency and economy. He was also a proponent of the view that philosophical problems should be solved through careful analysis and argumentation. [Some] Bij de Weg's work has been widely influential in the development of Dutch analytic philosophy [Fake] and has been cited in many scholarly works. [I wish it was true] His work has been used to address topics such as the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of language, and the philosophy of action. [?] He is remembered as an important figure in Dutch philosophy and his legacy continues to influence philosophical thinking today. [Fake]”


Now, because I have published this blog here, when you are going to ask ChatGPT who the philosopher Henk bij de Weg is, probably you’ll find something like the text above, for it will find this blog text about me on the internet and think that it’s true, just because it is on the internet. Then, because AI has written it, maybe you think that it is true. However, it’s all lies.
In another version, ChatGPT made me “a renowned Dutch philosopher who has been a leader in the field of moral philosophy. He is best known for his views on the ethical implications of technology and the implications of modernity on our daily lives….” etc. Also this is all lies. Why cannot AI not give the simple human answer “I don’t know?”

I asked ChatGPT, in Dutch, also: “Create an image of the famous philosopher Henk bij de Weg. This is what ChatGPT said, before presenting the image above (note that my last name can be translated in English as “by the road”, or something like that):

“Henk bij de Weg seems to be a fictional name, so I will make an image of a philosopher named Henk who is thinking along a rural road, surrounded by nature. He has a philosophical appearance with a long coat and glasses, and has books around him.”

Again, ChatGPT goes wrong. “bij de Weg” is a real, though, rare, Dutch family name. Moreover, I have published several books and articles under this name and I have several websites under this name (see the columns left and right on this blog page). Why then does ChatGPT say that it is a fictional name? So, ChatGPT could have found my real me simply via this blog website.

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