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Thursday, November 16, 2023

Random quote
Of all the follies of the world, that which is most universally received is the solicitude of reputation and glory.
Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)

1 comment:

Paul D. Van Pelt said...

I suppose this is true. Reputation and glory are, pretty universally, coveted. Great people have died, at the hands of those who were more iron-willed or, at least, surer shots. The Burr-Hamilton duel stands out. Alexander Hamilton, before the duel, might well have been on a tangent, leading to the presidency. After the duel, Aaron Burr stood no such chance, whatsoever. I was given a guest post on another thinker's website, regarding such human frailties as arrogance, ignorance, narcissism and pride.
In the short piece, I placed these things on a continuum and gave an assessment of an old, largely military, announcement: *never apologize, it's a sign of weakness* you can look it up at VOW, if you are interested. As a younger acolyte, I had missed the point. After an Army Special Ops friend died, years ago, I regretted never having the opportunity to tell him that I 'got it'.